6 Honors to mdigital from Communicator Awards!
Yayınlanma Tarihi: 20.06.2017

6 Honors to mdigital from Communicator Awards!

6 Honors to mdigital from Communicator Awards!

mdigital has received 6 honors covering 4 separate categories, bestowed upon by The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA) in Communicator Awards, 23th of which was held this year.

Communicator Awards, intently following the innovations in the digital world, recently announced the best of the segment, chosen among over 6000 entries taking extensive criteria into consideration. As mdigital, we received our share of awards given by AIVA to those works not only competent in marketing and communication but also esprit and novelty.

Here’s a list of our projects crowned by an “Award of Distinction,” striving beyond success and quality standards: